as such, the problem with china's food security is to a greater extent the problem of regional food insecurity 未来我国的粮食安全更大程度上是区域的粮食不安全问题。
however, from a regional perspective, due to different attributes of water and land resources, the shortage of irrigation water in northern china will lead to regional food insecurity 但是从区域的角度看,由于水土资源禀赋差异,北方灌溉水资源的不足将成为今后区域粮食不安全的诱因。
this has particular relevance to many asian populations who are now experiencing very rapid transition from food insecurity to a food supply abundant of readily available, cheap, high energy food 这一点与许多亚洲人群尤为相关,因为他们正在经历从食物供给不足向易得廉价和高能食物充足供应的快速转换阶段。
there's a variety of reasons why children are continuing to suffer from malnourishment, including poverty, poor health and sanitation, house-hold food insecurity, a lack of knowledge of how to care for children, and little food diversification 为什麽孩子们会一直营养不良,有不同的理由,包括穷、健康状况弱和卫生问题,确保家庭食品缺乏照顾孩童的知识、和少量食物多样化。
china feeds the 22 percent population to the world with 9 percent arable land to the world, so it has practical meaning to study china's grain issue, and as an enlightenment to deal with the global food insecurity problem 中国以占世界9左右的耕地,养活着占世界约22的人口。因此,研究中国的粮食问题,不仅对中国具有现实意义,而且对解决全球粮食危机也有很好的借鉴意义。